Agro-Colonialism in the Congo: European and US development finance is bankrolling a new round of colonialism in the DRC

A report authored by Eurodad partners GRAIN and RIAO-RDC looks at how European and US development finance is bankrolling a new round of agro-colonialism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Several prominent development finance institutions (DFIs) are funding Feronia Inc., a Canadian agribusiness company accused of land grabbing and human rights abuses in the DRC.
Community leaders living within the 100,000 hectares covered by Feronia Inc.'s oil palm concession areas say the land was taken from them illegally and that they never gave their consent for Feronia to operate there. Feronia is violating DFI policies that prevent companies they invest in from operating on lands that were acquired without the free, prior and informed consent of local communities.

Read the full report.

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