Call for signatories: Open letter to World Bank President David Malpass calling for whole-of-institution WBG commitment to end its fossil fuels support

Dear All,


*With apologies for cross-posting*


Civil society organisations and NGOs from around the world are invited to sign on to our open letter to World Bank Group President David Malpass and WBG leadership, which calls on the World Bank to immediately adopt a whole-of-institution commitment to end all types of support for fossil fuels.


Why this letter? Right now, the World Bank is getting ready to publish its Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for 2021-2025, and a number of the World Bank's executive directors are calling for it to take further steps to phase out its support for fossil fuels.


This is an important time for civil society to make its voice heard on this issue, ahead of the World Bank's (virtual) Spring Meetings in early April.


Read the full text of the letter here (or see the attached PDF):


To add your organization to the list of signatories, fill in this online form:


The deadline to sign-on is 17 March 2021 (5 pm EST).


The letter is closed for comments, but if you have any red line concerns, happy to discuss those bilaterally.


On behalf of the drafting group,





Jon Sward

Environment Project Manager

The Bretton Woods Project:
Critical voices on the World Bank and IMF

33-39 Bowling Green Lane, London UK EC1R 0BJ
Follow us on Twitter: @brettonwoodsp

For information on our climate advocacy click here

The Bretton Woods Project is an ActionAid-hosted project,
UK registered charity No. 274467.
England and Wales Charity No. 274467 Scottish Charity No. SC045476

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