Materials for Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights, 8 and 14 - 25 March 2022

Dear friends,
Wishing you all safety, strength and solidarity as we mark International Women's Day. The Global Alliance for Tax Justice is sharing lots of resources and materials to support your participation in the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights which take place from 14 - 25 March 2022, which you may wish to begin sharing today.
Resources and materials: You can find a shared folder with all relevant documents (concept note, factsheet and visuals) including:
  • Visuals to spread the word about the Global Days of Action, invite people to participate in your activities and to take part in a photo action. You can find several formats suitable for different channels including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and email.
  • A factsheet in English, Spanish and French. This addresses how tax justice can help: to address unpaid care burdens; to address inequality; to support gender-responsive public services; and to reduce GBV; as well as how tax dodging by large multinationals and wealthy individuals impacts on women. 
  • The concept note with background information about the global days of action.
  • You can also find the toolkit with lots of ideas for how your organisation can get involved.
Templates that you can tailor for your own activities: You can find some templates on Canva that can be easily edited and adapted 
Upcoming events:  Please share the invitation to the events with your networks and register with the links below
- 14/03 at 5 pm East African time - Kick-off event of the GDOA -
- 21/03 at 5 pm East African time - Tax and Gender Working Group's parallel event to the UNCSW -
- 23/03 at 3 pm East African time - TaxEd Alliance's panel -
Please do complete this activity form to let Caroline and Lays (in copy) know about any events or activities that you're planning, so they can add them to the GATJ website.
Warm wishes,

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