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Maria Jose Romero

Maria Jose Romero

2022 Eurodad workplan presentation - Development Finance

In this video, Maria Jose Romero, Policy and Advocacy Manager - Development Finance, sets out the Eurodad workplan for 2022...
Maria Jose Romero

Book launch: Critical reflections on Public-Private Partnerships

COVID 19 has emphasised the need to look carefully at Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and the ways in which PPPs...
Farwa Sial

The relentless quest to mobilise private investment in infrastructure: more de-risking is not the answer

While G7 leaders argue that they "aim for a step change" in their approach to infrastructure financing, a market-led approach...
Maria Jose Romero

‘Rebuilding better', but better for whom?

In March 2020 the World Bank Group pledged to provide US$ 160bn to client countries in the 15 months to...
Maria Jose Romero

Crash Course - Arrested development and austerity: Avoiding the debt trap with Daniel Munevar & María José Romero

In this webinar from Crash Course Economics, Sara and Rodrigo speak to Daniel Munevar & María José Romero from Eurodad and...
Maria Jose Romero

International development and the next EU budget

An analysis of the European Commission's proposals on EFSD and EFSD+ in the revised NDICI and Next Generation EU. DOWNLOAD...
Maria Jose Romero

Never let a pandemic go to waste: How the World Bank’s Covid-19 response is prioritising the private sector

The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered health, economic and social crises of unprecedented proportions that have the potential to seriously undermine...
Maria Jose Romero

Asociaciones público-privadas y asistencia de salud universal en América Latina: ¿a qué costo?

En el centro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible está el compromiso internacional con la Cobertura Sanitaria Universal (CSU). Esto responde...