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Change Finance, not the Climate

This new handbook is an indispensable guide to climate activists and policy-makers alike towards a complete overhaul of the financial...

How to do Advocacy with a Gender Perspective

Diakonia works for a just, equal and sustainable world free from poverty, oppression, inequality and violence. Such a world is only...

Joint CSO Letter on the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap

The dual crises of Covid-19 and climate change represent an opportunity for the European Investment Bank (EIB) to become the...

Letter to the European Council on EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and Next Generation EU 2021-2024

The Next Generation EU fund offers a step in the right direction, however it must work to strengthen climate and...

NGO Statement: European Green Deal must strengthen partner countries’ recovery from the Covid-19 crisis

Today, Eurodad, along with 15 other civil society organisations, released a joint statement calling for the European Union to pursue...

Joint civil society submission to the March 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee Meeting on Private Finance-related issues

This submission represents the views of a group of 29 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the...

NGO letter to EIB President on Covid-19 crisis response

NGOs call on EIB President to put climate at the heart of recovery package A copy of the letter can...

Open letter to the Dutch government: a global call to vote against CETA for trade justice

Over 70 organisations worldwide have signed an open letter to call upon the Dutch government to vote against CETA -...

Global campaign: "Tax Justice in the extractive industry!"

Settled by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice to happen on November 19, 2019, the Global Day of Action for...