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Maria Jose Romero

2022 Eurodad workplan presentation - Development Finance

In this video, Maria Jose Romero, Policy and Advocacy Manager - Development Finance, sets out the Eurodad workplan for 2022...

Care Principles and Care Responsiveness Barometer

The architecture of development finance lacks a care perspective despite strong commitments to gender equality goals. The Care Principles and Care-Responsiveness Barometer...
Nerea Craviotto

Rich countries fail to agree on how to report surplus Covid-19 vaccine donations as aid

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is facing an impasse among its membership on the adoption of controversial new rules...
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Hamdi Benslama

Members' update from the development finance team - December 2021

In this update, we provide key highlights of the issues covered by the Eurodad Development Finance team, namely aid effectiveness,...

Policy Forum 2021 - How do development finance, debt justice, climate justice and tax justice relate to each other?

Eurodad's vision is clear: we want to see a world in which wealth and power is equitably distributed, a world...

Eurodad Policy Forum 2021 - The Covid-19 crisis: Portal or dead end?

Recordings available in English, French and Spanish. Taking place back-to-back with COP26 and soon after the G20 summit, the Annual...

Second CSO submission to the DAC on ODA eligibility of activities related to Covid-19 vaccines

Second CSO submission to the DAC on ODA eligibility of activities related to Covid-19 vaccines

AidWatch 2021

Eurodad Members' update on development finance and debt justice - Autumn 2021

The update is focussed on the upcoming events, namely UNCTAD XV, the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International...

New Equals Podcast: Can Aid be Decolonised?   Foreign aid has helped save millions of lives. But the whole system is facing a huge...