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Global Income Inequality, 1820-2020

In this paper, Lucas Chancel and Thomas Piketty mobilize newly available historical series from the World Inequality Database to construct world income distribution...
Global Policy Forum

Mismeasuring foreign aid

For several years now, CSOs have become increasingly concerned that donors are over-reporting their foreign aid efforts. The root of...
Reality of Aid

Reality of Aid Report 2020/2021

With the theme of aid in the context of conflict, fragility and the climate emergency, the 2020/2021 Reality of Aid...

Eurodad members' update on development finance - June 2021

Please find here a members' update from Eurodad's development finance team. 

Webinar on OECD-DAC Provisional Reporting Methods for Private Sector Instruments

Watch the webinar's recording and download the PPTs of the session. 
Nerea Craviotto

Eurodad webinar on Private Sector Instruments (PSIs)

This webinar on the OECD-DAC Provisional Reporting Methods for Private Sector Instruments addresses the current issues at stake and why it is important for CSOs to continue...
Nerea Craviotto

Failing the poorest: An assessment of ODA in 2020

At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Development Assistance Committee...

Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD): Game changer or mirage?

Total Official Support for Sustainable Development, or TOSSD, is a new statistical metric that has been in the making for almost...
Center for Global Development

Do ODA Loan Rules Incentivise Lending to Poorer Countries?

Official development assistance (ODA), the most commonly used measure of aid, is intended to assess donor effort. This is clearly...