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Some questions about ODA and PSI

In 2018, for the first time, the Official Development Assistance statistics, published by OECD/DAC, included aid spending through Private Sector...

Registration open : Regional Workshop on the Development Effectiveness Principles (FOND Romania)

Dear colleagues,  FOND Romania is organizing the following activity that may be of interest for some of you: Regional Workshop...

[FOR SIGN OFF] DAC-CSO RG Press release ODA 2020

Dear colleagues, A small group of members of the DAC-CSO Reference Group met last week and agreed to launch this...

Bangladesh, Covid-19 and Debt

The Covid-19 crisis threatens to erode two decades of progress on poverty reduction in Bangladesh. This difficult situation highlights the...

Isabella Ortiz, Director Social Justice Program IPD Columbia University, Interview #EurodadIC2019

Isabella Ortiz, Director Social Justice Program IPD Columbia University, at the Eurodad conference 2019 talking about the global financial challenges...


Si l’aide publique au développement n’est pas la panacée, elle a néanmoins démontré son efficacité pour soutenir le développement économique et...
Nerea Craviotto

The OECD DAC: what is it, how is it impacting aid and development finance, and how can you engage with it?

The webinar is presented by Nerea Craviotto, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer (Eurodad). 

CSO DAC Strategy meeting 2019

  • Aid
  • content Type Meeting Notes