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Why the DAC’s latest move is bad for global development?

Why the DAC’s latest move is bad for global development? Jorge Rivera – ONE, July 2020

Eurodad briefing looking at implications of Covid-19 on ODA issues

Official Development Assistance (ODA) could play a crucial role in tackling the immediate impacts of the coronavirus crisis and supporting...
Jan van de Poel

Covid-19 and Official Development Assistance: current issues and challenges

The Covid-19 pandemic is in danger of seriously undermining the capability of developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals...

Joint civil society submission to the March 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee Meeting on Private Finance-related issues

This submission represents the views of a group of 29 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the...

Blended Finance: Finding Its Right Place

Report by Gunnel Axelsson Nycander, Act Church of Sweden.

Eurodad Submission to the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development

On 4-6 November 2019, the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development met in Geneva to continue discussions...

Joint civil society submission to the February 2019 Senior Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee

This submission represents the views of a group of 27 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the...

Reality of Aid 2018: Full Report

The changing faces of development aid and cooperation: Encouraging global justice or buttressing inequalities?