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Debt Justice

Emy De Nardi

Eurodad's Policy Forum 2023 - Rewatch the panel discussions

On 13-14 June Eurodad’s Policy Forum 2023 "Building an economy for people and the planet" took place in Brussels. It was...
Emy De Nardi

Webinar - Rebranding or reshaping the global financial architecture? MDBs reform, Bridgetown Initiative and the New Global Financial Pact

Building on Eurodad’s first webinar on the World Bank’s ‘Evolution Roadmap’ titled Reform or Regress? From the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap...
Emy De Nardi

Webinar - Reform or Regress? From the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap to the Bridgetown Agenda - Webinar recording

This webinar aimed to be an explanatory primer for the CSO network to explore the World Bank’s recent ‘Evolution Roadmap’...
Polina Girshova

IPES-Food's new Debt Report on Unsustainable Food Systems

The new special report by IPES-Food titled "Breaking the Cycle of Unsustainable Food Systems, Hunger and Debt" is out.
Stephanie Derlich

World Bank evolution & Bridgetown agenda resources - document

This document contains a collection of materials produced by CSOs, institutions and other actors on the topic of World Bank...

CSO - EU SCIMF Dialogue- November 2022

CSO - EU SCIMF Meeting- Background Brief, November 2022

#ClimateDebtJustice resources - document

Join our #ClimateDebtJustice campaign on Finance Day 2022, November 9!

#BlockBlackRock - online event recording

Watch the complete recording of #BlockBlackRock virtual public event which aimed at unpacking why feminists are calling for UN Women...