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Debt Justice

Civil Society Letter concerning the draft UN Resolution on External Debt Sustainability and Development

Eurodad, along with CSOs from across the world, welcome the draft UN General Assembly Resolution on "External Debt Sustainability and...

Erlassjahr Focus Paper 1: Action, not obstruction! (2019)

Read the paper Focus Paper 1: Action, not obstruction! (2019) by Kristina Rehbein

Austerity: The new normal

This new report by Isabel Ortiz and Mathew Cummings is co-sponsored by Initiative for Policy Dialogue, International Confederation of Trade...
Mark Perera

Podemos resolverlo: Los 10 principios de la sociedad civil para la resolución de la deuda soberana

Ahora existe un amplio consenso en las comunidades financieras y de desarrollo internacionales de que está creciendo una nueva ola...
Mark Perera

We can work it out: 10 civil society principles for sovereign debt resolution

There is now widespread consensus within the international finance and development communities that a new wave of debt crises is...

UN Independent Expert links International Financial Institutions’ austerity push to Human Rights impacts

This week, the UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, released a report on the...

Debt and gender equality: How debt-servicing conditions harm women in Africa

by Dinah Musindarwezo (Womankind Worldwide) and Tim Jones (Jubilee Debt Campaign UK)
Jubilee Debt Campaign

Transparency of loans to governments

Transparency of debt information is good for everyone. It gives lenders more certainty about the basis upon which they are...

Transparency of loans to governments

Transparency of debt information is good for everyone. It gives lenders more certainty about the basis upon which they are...