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Debt Justice

The Climate Emergency: What's debt got to do with it?

This document provides information for activists and social movements working on climate, debt and global economic and environmental justice. It...

CSO statement on DBR Gate coming for signatures on Friday and launch on Tuesday 12th Oct

Dear colleagues,  this is to give you a heads up that there is a draft statement on the WB's DBR Gate supported by...
Daniel Munevar

UNCTAD XV - State of play on debt issues

Update of the discussions on financing for development and debt at UNCTAD XV. This is the quadrennial conference that UNCTAD holds...
Daniel Munevar

UN General Assembly 2021 - Debt highlights

The 2021 UN General Assembly concluded on Monday, September 27. As part of our collective advocacy efforts at the UN...

Eurodad Members' update on development finance and debt justice - Autumn 2021

The update is focussed on the upcoming events, namely UNCTAD XV, the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International...

Briefing Paper: Why Emerging Markets Must Remain Wary of Taper Tantrum 2.0

Why Emerging Markets Must Remain Wary of Taper Tantrum 2.0 By Kavaljit Singh | Briefing Paper # 46 | September...

Biden UNGA COVID Summit

Washington DC - On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, President Biden virtually hosts world leaders to make commitments for global...

The DBR/World Bank credibility drama continues: Eurodad reaction

This is an update on the latest from the World Bank with regards to the scandals surrounding the DBR report. ...