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EU Development Finance

Banking on development? The rise of the EIB as a development bank

On 1 January a new development branch of the European Investment Bank (EIB) went into operation. This was approved by...

EIB Financial intermediaries briefing

Dear all,   Bankwatch, Counter Balance, Euronatur and Recourse just launched a briefing comparing the EIB's draft FI standard with...
Hamdi Benslama

Members' update from the development finance team - December 2021

In this update, we provide key highlights of the issues covered by the Eurodad Development Finance team, namely aid effectiveness,...

EU Global Gateway Strategy

Hi everyone, The Commission put out a communication on the Global Gateway strategy last week which foresees a central role...

Development Finance Institution fact sheets

Eurodad has worked with partners to compile a fact-sheet series on specific Development Finance Institutions European Investment Bank International Finance...
Counter Balance

The European Green Deal: Reclaiming Public Investments for a real Socio-ecological Transformation

The European Green Deal (EGD) has been called by the Commission’s President Von der Leyen the “man on the moon...

European Investment Bank creates a "development branch"

The European Investment Bank has announced the creation of a "development branch." Eurodad and its partners have been calling for...

Clear summary of outcomes of "EU development bank" discussions

Dear all, You may find interesting the article below, from the development think tank ECDPM. It summarises what happened with...

ITUC reaction to the HLPF Ministerial Declaration

Massobrio, Giulia <[email protected]>  Tue, 20 Jul, 17:07     to [email protected] Dear all,   I hope this email finds you well, I...