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FfD Monitoring Platform

Members’ update from Eurodad’s Development Finance and Debt Justice teams - April 2024

In this update, you can find a list of key policy updates and advocacy opportunities in the area of debt...
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

UN DESA World Economic Situation and Prospects 2022

The global economic recovery is facing significant headwinds amid new waves of COVID-19 infections, persistent labour market challenges, lingering supply-chain...

For your inputs by DEC 9: CS FfD Group Private Finance briefing

Dear all,   Following up on my message below to invite your comments on the attached draft briefing on FfD private...

ITUC reaction to the HLPF Ministerial Declaration

Massobrio, Giulia <[email protected]>  Tue, 20 Jul, 17:07     to [email protected] Dear all,   I hope this email finds you well, I...

Private sector involvement and the SDGs

Several international institutions advocate for the pivotal role of the private sector in achieving the SDGs. The use of blended...

Take Action Toolkit

Dear all, In preparation of the next UN High Level Events, please find a Take Action toolkit here.   The toolkit...

Debt actions re UN HLE and CSO meeting on debt architecture & FfD

Following Jean's suggestion, please see below a summary of the actions we've planned for next days and weeks regarding the...