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The audacity to disrupt: an introduction to feminist macro-level economics

By Gender And Development Network, FEMNET and the African Feminist Macroeconomic Academy This guide seeks to provide its readers an...

Gender and Climate Finance

By Global Gender and Climate Alliance

UN Women - How to conduct gender mainstreaming within an organisation

Gender Mainstreaming is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies...

What is intersectionality? The intersectional feminist approach.

Kimberlé Crenshaw TED talk: The urgency of intersectionality

Making tax work for women's rights

By ActionAid.

Gender-Just Macroeconomics: Engaging the IMF and World Bank

By the Bretton Woods Project. Summary: Gender equality is impacted by macroeconomic policy The IMF and World Bank are key...

Oxfam - Gender and Intersectionality Series

Practice papers series produced as part of the Gender and Intersectionality Symposium. By Oxfam.
  • Gender
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