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Development Finance for Gender-Responsive Climate Action

This paper provides an overview of how members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) are integrating gender equality and climate action...

It’s time to decolonise our multilateral system for climate justice

A very inspiring article by Priya Lukka, Esther Stanford-Xosei and Bhumika Muchhala

Care Principles and Care Responsiveness Barometer

The architecture of development finance lacks a care perspective despite strong commitments to gender equality goals. The Care Principles and Care-Responsiveness Barometer...

The Care-Responsiveness Barometer: A framework to plan, measure and improve the care-responsiveness of policies, investments and institutions

CARE PRINCIPLES AND CARERESPONSIVENESS BAROMETERGuidelines and toolkit for international financial  institutions (IFIs)
UN Women

Beyond COVID-19: A feminist plan for sustainability and social justice

As the world learns to live with COVID-19, to emerge from the current crisis, and to “build back better”, UN...

Eurodad Policy Forum 2021 - Addressing the challenges of a climate- and gender-just equitable world

The interconnectedness between the multiple crises that humanity faces today - debt, climate change, biodiversity loss, inequality, poverty, food insecurity...