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Policy Forum 2021 - How do development finance, debt justice, climate justice and tax justice relate to each other?

Eurodad's vision is clear: we want to see a world in which wealth and power is equitably distributed, a world...

Eurodad Policy Forum 2021 - The Covid-19 crisis: Portal or dead end?

Recordings available in English, French and Spanish. Taking place back-to-back with COP26 and soon after the G20 summit, the Annual...

[Request for Inputs] 📢 CSW66 Parallel Event application

Dear All, I would like to invite you to share your comments on a proposed CSW66 parallel event jointly co-organized by...
Bretton Woods Project

New BWP report: The World Bank’s macroeconomic policies and women’s rights

Written by Ella Hopkins - with a collaborative effort between the Bretton Woods Project, the Gender and Development Network (GADN), International Women’s...
Sanam Amin

Feminist principles: the private sector and multilateralism

The Feminist Economic Justice for People & Planet Action Nexus is led by four key partners - who also serve as...
Bhumika Muchhala

A feminist and decolonial global Green New Deal: principles, paradigms, and systemic transformations

The Feminist Economic Justice for People & Planet Action Nexus is led by four key partners - who also serve...
Diyana Yahaya

A Feminist Agenda for People and Planet: Principles and Recommendations for a Global Feminist Economic Justice Agenda

The Feminist Economic Justice for People & Planet Action Nexus is led by four key partners—who also serve as co-leads...
Chiara Mariotti

Update on the IMF 2021 Comprehensive Surveillance Review

In May 2021, the IMF published its 2021 Comprehensive Surveillance Review (2021 CSR), which takes stocks of the Fund’s policy...