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Toolkit for the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights

The toolkit for the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights is organised by GATJ and running until the 26 March...

COVID-19 impact reinforces gender inequalities

Author: WORLD BANK COVID-19 has seriously impacted the global progress towards gender equality, with women around the world continuing to...

Second gender lunch: GAP3: A missed opportunity to advance gender and economic justice?

Speakers: Alexandra Rosen (Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, CONCORD), Isabelle Brachet (Senior EU Advocacy Advisor, ActionAid), Cecilia Gondard (Eurodad, moderator)

Promote fundamental reforms to how debt crises are prevented and resolved

Promote fundamental reforms to how debt crises are prevented and resolved, challenge irresponsible financing and the legitimacy of debts, and...

Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development - how to join

Grupo de mujeres sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo  Groupe de Femmes sur le Financement du Developpement

CSO FfD Group (including Women’s Working Group on FfD) Declaration High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development (FfD)

As the UN meets this September to discuss the climate crisis and sustainable development, it is evident that meaningful progress is...