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ActionAid - Gender and climate adaptation

We know what we need: South Asian women speak out on climate change adaptation

Care debt: patriarchy and capital on the offensive, feminist economics as a proposal

Published by Debt Observatory in Globalisation (ODG)

How to do Advocacy with a Gender Perspective

Diakonia works for a just, equal and sustainable world free from poverty, oppression, inequality and violence. Such a world is only...

Short-Changed: How the IMF's tax policies are failing women

By ActionAid.

Capital versus Life? Corporate Capture: Financialization & Financial Extractivism

Webinar by Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development

ActionAid: The power of women-led localised responses to Covid-19

What does Covid-19 mean for women in the Global South, and what can Grand Bargain Signatories, including donor governments, do...

Covid-19 and the informal economy

By International Centre for Tax and Development.

IAFFE webinar series and resources on Covid19 and gender

By the International Association for Feminist Economics
Veronica Serafini

World Bank and IMF response to debt crisis undermines women’s rights

Analysis by Eurodad and Latindadd.