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IFIs & Publicly Backed Private Finance

Campaigning on PPPs in Germany

Please contact Ute (Urgewald). If you know German organisations that might be interested, please put them in touch with [email protected]...

IMF and IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office references to PPPs in Portugal

Portugal: The IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office reported that “By 2014 those liabilities [liabilities associated with SOEs and PPPs] represented 15...

Public-Private Partnerships: Global Campaign Manifesto

PPPs (also known as Private Finance Initiatives, or PFIs) are essentially long-term contracts, underwritten by government guarantees, under which the...

Interactive COVID DFI Tracker

To date, the interactive COVID DFI Tracker has tracked known investments of $73 billion USD for nearly 500 project-level investments from 14 development banks. The actual...

Future is Public : International database of de-privatised public services

TNI has launched the International database of de-privatised public services! It has been more than seven months since the conference Future...

Failing to Reach the Poorest: Assessment of the World Bank Funded Uganda Reproductive Health Voucher Program

The Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) launched  its report "Failing to Reach the Poorest: Assessment of the World Bank Funded...

2020 IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings: Disappointing response to Coronavirus crisis

2020 IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings: Disappointing response to Coronavirus crisis Last week was a crucial week for the...