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IFIs & Publicly Backed Private Finance

Maria Jose Romero

2022 Eurodad workplan presentation - Development Finance

In this video, Maria Jose Romero, Policy and Advocacy Manager - Development Finance, sets out the Eurodad workplan for 2022...
Maria Jose Romero

Book launch: Critical reflections on Public-Private Partnerships

COVID 19 has emphasised the need to look carefully at Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and the ways in which PPPs...

Care Principles and Care Responsiveness Barometer

The architecture of development finance lacks a care perspective despite strong commitments to gender equality goals. The Care Principles and Care-Responsiveness Barometer...

EIB Financial intermediaries briefing

Dear all,   Bankwatch, Counter Balance, Euronatur and Recourse just launched a briefing comparing the EIB's draft FI standard with...

CSOs issue joint statement following World Bank's 'inadequate' consultations on global development policies

World Bank's global development policies have also triggered joint action within the network. On 9 December 2021, a coalition of...

The Care-Responsiveness Barometer: A framework to plan, measure and improve the care-responsiveness of policies, investments and institutions

CARE PRINCIPLES AND CARERESPONSIVENESS BAROMETERGuidelines and toolkit for international financial  institutions (IFIs)