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IFIs & Publicly Backed Private Finance

CSO statement on DBR Gate coming for signatures on Friday and launch on Tuesday 12th Oct

Dear colleagues,  this is to give you a heads up that there is a draft statement on the WB's DBR Gate supported by...

Reclaiming sustainable infrastructure as a public good

Wemos position paper on IDA20 policy framework from a health equity perspective

'Investing in global health equity - or equitable access to health services and commodities based on need and not the...

Eurodad Members' update on development finance and debt justice - Autumn 2021

The update is focussed on the upcoming events, namely UNCTAD XV, the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International...

The DBR/World Bank credibility drama continues: Eurodad reaction

This is an update on the latest from the World Bank with regards to the scandals surrounding the DBR report. ...
Farwa Sial

A wrong turn for World Bank concessional lending

If the World Bank's International Development Association is to be an important source of recovery funds for the poorest economies, then...

Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!

The remaining months of 2021 are crucial for the future of our humanity. The multiple and interrelated crises that we...