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Tax Justice

Tove Ryding

Beneficial ownership transparency in the European Union

In 2016, in response to the tax scandal known as the ‘Panama Papers’, the European Commission put forward a proposal...

Global campaign: "Tax Justice in the extractive industry!"

Settled by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice to happen on November 19, 2019, the Global Day of Action for...

Impôt et Justice Sociale Edition 10

Pour écouter directement en ligne, cliquer sur notre lien Youtube, ou l’application Stitcher. Vous pouvez aussi suivre nos activités et interagir...

CBCR - Council Presidency compromise, November 2019

Latest Council Presidency compromise, dated November 2019

PODCAST Impôts et Justice Sociale, Edition 8

Nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous cette huitième émission radio/podcast du Réseau Tax Justice, Tax Justice Network produite en Afrique francophone...

Civil society calls on G20 leaders to urgently take joint action in tackling global challenges

More than 600 Civil Society Organizations from all over the world have been working together for the last months via...

A toolkit for advocacy at the United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is a highly complex organisation. It can be difficult for civil society advocates to know where to...
Tove Ryding

Tax ‘sweetheart deals’ between multinationals and EU countries at record high

Over the last few years, advance pricing agreements (APAs) – also known as ‘comfort letters’ or ‘sweetheart deals’ – have...

Civil Society joint paper Submission for the EIB’s Non-Compliant Jurisdictions (NCJ) Policy review

The 13 organizations signing this joint paper appreciate the opportunity to provide comments in relation to the review of the...