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Tax Justice

Tax Games - the Race to the Bottom

European governments are leading a race to the bottom which will see average global corporate tax rates hit zero by...

From tax secrecy to tax transparency: Introducing public country-by-country reporting (CBCR) that is fit for purpose

Eurodad, Oxfam, Transparency International and EPSU released an updated document on public country-by-country reporting following the outcome of the vote...

European Parliament summary of text adopted on 4 July 2017

European Parliament summary of text adopted on 4 July 2017

Runaway Taxes: Who pays taxes in CEE region?

Authors: Za Zemiata, Glopolis, DemNet, Lapas, IGO & Ekvilib Institut. A 2017 report on corporate taxation in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland,...

Making tax work for women's rights

By ActionAid.

CBCR - European Commission legislative proposal

European Commission legislative proposal

Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporate Income Tax

Eurodad's partner Tax Justice Network has just published a report entitled Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporation Tax. This report outlines ten reasons...

Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond

Eurodad’s member Oxfam International has published a new briefing titled Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond....

La ilusión fiscal: Demasiadas sombras en la fiscalidad de las grandes empresas

This new report by Spanish Eurodad member Intermón Oxfam titled "La ilusión fiscal" states how IBEX35 companies increased their presence in tax...