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Tax Justice

Tove Ryding

Unambitious corporate tax proposal could lead to shortage of EU resources for Covid-19 recovery

Rather than an ambitious reform of the corporate tax rules, today's EU tax package is a Christmas present to all...
Nordic Alliance for Tax Justice

Report launch: Quality Tax Aid? Are multilateral institutions like the IMF and World Bank fit to tackle the inequality crisis?

Are multilateral institutions like the IMF and World Bank fit to tackle the inequality crisis? The new report Quality Tax...
Za Zemiata

Expensive packaging

Bulgarians pay more than other Europeans for waste management while receiving unsatisfactory results, including in terms of recycling. With the...

Policy Forum 2021 - How do development finance, debt justice, climate justice and tax justice relate to each other?

Eurodad's vision is clear: we want to see a world in which wealth and power is equitably distributed, a world...

Eurodad Policy Forum 2021 - The Covid-19 crisis: Portal or dead end?

Recordings available in English, French and Spanish. Taking place back-to-back with COP26 and soon after the G20 summit, the Annual...

[Request for Inputs] 📢 CSW66 Parallel Event application

Dear All, I would like to invite you to share your comments on a proposed CSW66 parallel event jointly co-organized by...
South Centre

Streamlining the Architecture of International Tax through a UN Framework Convention on Tax Cooperation

The architecture of international taxation at present is fragmented among multiple institutions. The UN Tax Committee, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework...