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Tax Justice

Alice in Moneyland

Content for this Citizens for Financial Justice animation was drawn from Spotlight on Financial Justice: Understanding Global Inequalities to Overcome...

Introducing Fresh-Up Economics

In 2020, Eurodad member "Financial Justice ireland" launched a new online education platform, Fresh-Up Economics, an Erasmus+ adult education project which aims...

Challenging the Finance in Common Summit - sign on statement of southern movements

Dear friends and colleagues from movements and civil society groups in the global south.   As many of you know next...

State of Tax Justice country data

TJN country data summaries from the forthcoming 'State of Tax Justice 2020' report are now available The 'State of Tax...

Taxation and gender: why does it matter?

By Tax Justice Network Africa.
  • Report
  • Gender
  • country-Uganda
  • country-kenya
  • country-south-africa

The Scale of Injustice

Below mentioned resources and further blogs and updates are available on Tax Justice Network Website

A Climate of Fairness Environmental Taxation and Tax Justice in Developing Countries

This report by the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation aims to address this potential conflict and to consider the...

Webinar on tax and justice with the women working group

Country by country reporting campaign

Every year, corporate tax avoidance costs countries around the world an estimated US$ 500 billion. The CBCR campaign is coordinated...