ACTION: CBCR letter to MEPs - comment and sign-on!

Dear friends,

Please comment and sign-on to the joint letter to MEPs on public CBCR, which we'll send in advance of the second trialogue meeting. Right now, the European Parliament is the only institution that supports real public CBCR (i.e reporting that would oblige companies to report on their activities in all countries of operation) so it is imperative that we urge them not to agree to a Directive unless it delivers real public CBCR and that we strengthen their ability to fight for a meaningful outcome. Since the first meeting was primarily procedural, the substantive political negotiations will begin on the 15th of April.
How to sign-on:
  1. Review: You can review the letter in this Google doc. Please add any comments by the morning of April 12. We've kept the letter 
  2. Sign-on: You can sign-on to the letter here by 12:00 on April 14. You're welcome to sign-on already or after we circulate the final text on April 12.
  3. Logo: Please share your organisation's logo with me by email ([email protected]).
  4. Share: Please circulate the letter to your networks and ask others to sign-on. We would like to show the high level of support for public CBCR, so we encourage both networks and individual organisations to sign-on.
Timeline for letter
7 - 12 April Comments on draft letter to be added to Google Doc
Until 14 April Letter open for sign-on until 12:00 CEST
14th April  Letter sent
Objectives: We've kept the letter short and focused on real public CBCR in line with the objectives agreed during the last CBCR call.
  1. Urge the European Parliament not to agree to a Directive that doesn't deliver real public CBCR;
  2. Demonstrate strong CSO and trade union support for real public CBCR that the EP can leverage in negotiations.
Targets: All MEPs representing the European Parliament in trialgue (rapporteurs, shadow rapporteurs and committee chairs)
Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like further information!
Warm wishes,

Olivia Lally

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