Conference: A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU Relations in an Increasingly Complex World

28 May 2021
May 28, 2021 at 9:30am - 4:30pm
Lisbon, Portugal

Read the conference programme here

On the 28th of May 2021, The Portuguese NGDO Platform will host the Conference “A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU relations in an increasingly complex world”, organized within the project “Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the World”. The event will bring together both officials and civil society from Africa and Europe to discuss the main issues on the table regarding the Africa-EU partnership.

The Covid-19 pandemic deepened already existing challenges and highlighted the need for structural transformations in our societies. From the impacts of climate change to the increasing of inequalities, the pandemic made it impossible to ignore that global challenges can only be met through genuine cooperation between all countries and sectors. In a key moment for Africa-EU relations and in the run up to the next AU-EU Summit, the Conference “A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU relations in an increasingly complex world”, aims at discussing the fundamental principles that should be at the core of a genuine and meaningful partnership, focusing on its the potential to promote people-centered policies.

Register for the conference here until 26th May

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