Doodle by 01/07: July Eurodad climate finance network call to discuss COP26

Dear colleagues, 
I think it would be useful to have a discussion on COP26 plans before the European summer break gets into full swing. However, our next network call is scheduled for July 21st, and I will be on leave then.
As such, please fill in this Doodle by July 1st, for us to find time to have a focused call on COP26 advocacy in July. 
Draft agenda:
  • Priority climate finance issues at COP26 - overview 
  • COP26 1) advocacy activities 2) COP26 awareness raising activities - including COP26 side-events + who is attending 
  • Discuss follow-up on advocacy letter on climate finance
  • AOB - please send me your points
After this call in July, we will follow the same schedule as agreed, which is to have a call every third Wednesday in a month at 11:00am Brussels time (CET or CEST). 
Best regards,

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