End Austerity Activism Festival - CALL FOR SESSION PROPOSALS !
Dear colleagues,
please take note of this exciting opportunity to contribute to shape the End Austerity Activism Festival by submitting an event proposal.
Proposals can consist of anything that can be streamed online for a length of max 2 hours. This includes panels and workshops, interviews, live music or poetry reading, the streaming of pre-recorded videos or films/documentaries. The festival will take place online on Friday 30th of September and Saturday 1st of October 2022.
For more info and to apply simply email me ([email protected]) and/or Johanna Wagman ([email protected]) telling us:
- who you are and/or who your organisation/movement is/ and an email or phone number to contact you
- topic you would like to address, and a few words on what you would like to say
- the format of your session (artistic event, testimonials, interactive workshops, people’s tribunals, panel discussion, etc.)
- how long your session would be (each slot is of maximum 2 hours, but we recommend considering 1.5 hour events for panel discussions)
- indicate the language you would prefer to express yourself (we will get back to you about the capacity to provide interpretation).
/!\ Announcement /!\
The End Austerity Activism Festival is happening !
The End Austerity Activism Festival is a 2 day virtual event that will take place on Friday 30th of September and Saturday 1st of October 2022.
It will officially launch the End Austerity Campaign, calling on activists and organisations from all around the world to denounce the new wave of austerity that is looming over us, call for more ambitious recovery packages for focusing on a feminist, green and care-led recovery rather than a corporate hand-outs, and celebrate resistance against an economic model that puts profit before people and planet.
The End Austerity Campaign is run by a collective of women’s rights organizations, environmental groups, economic justice communities, trade unions, human rights defenders, activists, researchers, humanitarian organizations and single individuals who work together to end austerity as the universal policy prescription after times of severe crisis, working to make recovery spending available to those most impacted by the current wave of crises from COVID-19 and food and energy crisis, and campaign for more sustainable and just alternatives across the international, regional, national, and local level.
More specifically the Festival aims at :
- Publicize the existence of the End Austerity Campaign among other CSOs, International Organizations and motivate other civil society organizations to join the collective, especially national level/grassroots organizations
- Ensure that Recovery Packages are made available to people most impacted by the crisis as corporates are getting away with handouts even in the middle of a COVID-19, food and energy crisis, rather than helping people.
- Share key research findings and artistic/creative productions that demonstrate and illustrate the pervasiveness of austerity across Africa, Latina America, Asia and Europe
- Share key research findings and artistic/creative productions that show case alternatives to austerity and recovery policies across Africa, Latina America, Asia and Europe
- Motivate and foster mobilization at the national and local level to raise awareness among the general public, the press and academics about austerity and its alternatives in terms of a people and planet friendly recovery;
- Start to build a unifying narrative that ties austerity to the fight for human rights, public services, recovery, debt justice and tax justice and that resonates with the work of existing and future End Austerity Campaign Affiliates.
Who will attend?
We hope to gather around 100 different organizations during those webinars (from grass root organizations to INGOS, including scholars and artists) working on world economic issues, as well as human rights.
à Call for proposals: help us design the Festivalß
The End Austerity Activism Festival will be a decentralized and bottom-up event, designed and organized collectively by the affiliates and the allies of the End Austerity Campaign.
We call on organizations, grass root movements, activists and artists to submit session proposals for the End Austerity Activism Festival.
Proposals can consist of anything that can be streamed online for a length of max 2 hours. This includes panels and workshops, interviews, live music or poetry reading, the streaming of pre-recorded videos or films/documentaries, etc, provided that they address one or more of the following topics:
- evidence of new austerity trends, for example cases of cuts in public spending;
- evidence of recovery policy trends, how they favoured corporates, entrenched inequality, while giving far less to people and planet friendly recovery policies
- stories on the impact of austerity on people, planet and n human rights (including lack of public services, lack of women’s rights and gender equality, food crisis etc)
- cases of resistance against austerity and social struggle, and building alternatives for a transformative feminist, decolonial and green recovery
- examples of people and groups that are building alternatives to austerity and working to build a human-rights-based economy.
Session proposals such as panels are welcome, yet we wish to foster creative and artistic performances, through music, photography, video, modern poetry and any other means and strongly encourage such proposals .
How to submit a session for the End Austerity Activism Festival?
Simply answer to this email ([email protected]) telling us:
- who you are and/or who your organisation/movement is/ and an email or phone number to contact you
- topic you would like to address, and a few words on what you would like to say
- the format of your session (artistic event, testimonials, interactive workshops, people’s tribunals, panel discussion, etc.)
- how long your session would be (each slot is of maximum 2 hours, but we recommend considering 1.5 hour events for panel discussions)
- indicate the language you would prefer to express yourself (we will get back to you about the capacity to provide interpretation)
There is no cost to register an event.