Eurodad's Policy Forum 2023 - Rewatch the aid strategy session
Official Development Assistance (ODA) has a crucial role to play in tackling the multiple crises that developing countries are currently facing, and supporting responses centered on human rights, gender justice and a just transition.
Most donor governments are still lagging behind in their commitments on ODA quantity and quality. These have been increasingly undermined by a combination of a lack of ambition to boost aid budgets and several practices that have contributed to
inflating aid figures and diverting resources from where they are most needed. Furthermore, little has also been done to advance the implementation of aid effectiveness principles.
This strategy meeting offered Eurodad members and allies an opportunity to reinvigorate joint work seeking to defend aid budgets, and ensure its quality and effectiveness. The objective of this session was to share information and identify areas in which we can work together.
Rewatch the session: