FMCBG Communique & C20 Response

Dear C20 Finance WG colleagues,


We hope this message finds you well. As you are well aware, the second meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors tool place earlier today:


  • Here the link to the FMCBG communique:

  • And here the link to the webpage where you can find all annexes that are referred to in the communique:


As expected, there are no pathbreaking outcomes and rather a confirmation of a number of decisions in progress which we anticipated in the last WG call (SDR allocation, DSSI extension, upgrade of Sustainable Finance Study Group to fully fledged WG, etc.). There are anyhow a number of reference to mandated FSB reports related to financial regulations (non-bank financial intermediation, global stablecoins, etc.). We believe it would be important to generate a “short & sharp” C20 Finance WG communique in response to the FMCBG conclusions. The core group is working to prepare a short draft within the next 1-2 days and we are therefore writing to both invite your comments as well as alert you that the draft might be coming your way with a very short feedback window.


As soon as the communique is behind us, we will get back to our WG process and schedule the next WG call (possibly end of April).


Cheers, Patricia & Stefano

C20 Finance WG Co-Coordinators

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