Follow-up: Eurodad network call on the Finance in Common Summit - 29th OCT

Thanks to everyone who joined the updates call on the Finance in Common Summit (FiC) yesterday afternoon. We had a lively discussion. As a follow-up, below are some tools to support your advocacy on the Summit and also an overview of the key takeaways from yesterday's call. 


Advocacy tools

  • Attached is a short advocacy briefing on the Summit that Eurodad has developed. It's in word format, so feel free to edit it and use it when engaging with PDBs that you may be in contact with.
  • Attached is also a general CSO briefing from the CSO FiC working group, that includes information on what the FiC is and why it's important to engage in this process.

Key takeaways from the call

  • Need a coherent and simple CSO message for communications purposes
  • Need to ensure that this Summit results in concrete joint work between PDBs and those that work in communities, in order to highlight 
  • CSOs should develop briefing notes for PDBs to highlight what the reality of finance that doesn't work for the public good is
  • PDBs need to reflect more on what they can do to follow-up on the Addis Ababa financing for development initiative 

Plans for the Summit:

  • Christian Aid & project partners: Spotlight on financial justice - covers climate, health and financialisation (TBC) 

Eurodad's plans for the Summit



  • Meetings with the AFD, EDFI, TSKB, EIB, EU


  • 05/11 - DFI response to Covid briefing  
  • Pre-Summit - Blueprint for PDBs narrative is published  
  • After 12/11 - Post-Summit analysis 

Communications & media

  • 09 - 10/11 - Promoting joint CSO statement on social media
  • 10/11 - PR & op-ed with SOAS University ahead of the Summit
  • 12/11 - Reactive statement after the Summit joint statement has been published 

List of additional resources

Here's a list of some of the resources that were discussed on the call

Useful information section:


Thanks again for joining the call, and do get in touch if you have any questions.


Best regards,






Leia Achampong
Senior Policy & Advocacy Officer - Climate Finance 
email: [email protected]
phone: + 32 (0) 2 894 46 40 
Eurodad, Rue d’Edimbourg, 18-26 1050 Brussels | Belgium 

See how you can get involved in Eurodad's activities and keep up to date by signing up to our newsletter

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Co-funded by the European Union


This call was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. 






Leia Achampong
Senior Policy & Advocacy Officer - Climate Finance 
email: [email protected]
phone: + 32 (0) 2 894 46 40 
Eurodad, Rue d’Edimbourg, 18-26 1050 Brussels | Belgium 

See how you can get involved in Eurodad's activities and keep up to date by signing up to our newsletter

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