For your inputs by DEC 9: CS FfD Group Private Finance briefing

Dear all,


Following up on my message below to invite your comments on the attached draft briefing on FfD private finance by this week Thursday December 9 end of your day. 

All the best,



From: Flora Sonkin <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 8:28 PM
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: For your inputs by DEC 9: CS FfD Group Private Finance briefing


Dear colleagues,


It has been a while since we have exchanged here, so I hope you are doing as well as possible during these challenging times.

I’m reaching out to you as members of the CS FfD Group private finance workstream to ask for your inputs on the attached draft briefing on private business and finance. As you might be aware, we are in the process of developing a Toolkit on FfD which aims to provide a concise overview of the CS FfD Group to newcomers and allies interested in learning more about the FfD world, while also serving as a tool to contextualize some of our key advocacy demands (the Introductory Guide to FfD was launched in October and is available in English, Spanish and French). I believe this might be particularly relevant to the private finance workstream, considering the continuous expansion of the ‘private-finance first’ discourse across UN spaces. Hopefully you agree we could use some further consolidation on our positions and demands.


For now, it would be really helpful to get your inputs in terms of any concerns/red lines you have with the content that is there, or by flagging really essential content you see is missing or needs updating. Direct edits in track changes are also welcome. Please note we realize there is always a lot more to say, but we were hoping to keep this as short as possible to make sure it is actually read ;-) 


Many thanks in advance for your contributions. Please share your inputs by next week Thursday December 9 end of your day. 

Best wishes,


p.s. warm thanks to Maria Jose for initial inputs/comments that went into this draft!  


Flora Sonkin

Policy Research Officer, Financing for Development

Society for International Development (SID)

Website:  - Email: [email protected] - Skype: florasonkin 


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