G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) outcome
The G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap, developed by the SFWG, has been endorsed by Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. It sets out key priorities to scale up sustainable finance that supports the objectives the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, and lists actions for the G20 to take to promote the achievement of those priorities over the coming years.
The SFWG also published a Synthesis Report which summarizes the work undertaken this year in three priority areas:
- improving comparability and interoperability of approaches to align investments to sustainability goals;
- overcoming information challenges by improving sustainability disclosure and reporting; and
- enhancing the role of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda.
All documents related to the SFWG activities are available on the website: G20SFWG.org, including reports provided by knowledge partners to whom we extend our most sincere appreciation for their valuable inputs.