Oxfam - Gender and Intersectionality Series
Practice papers series produced as part of the Gender and Intersectionality Symposium.
By Oxfam.
On March 23-24, 2015, representatives from Oxfam affiliates and partners assembled on the Simmons College campus in Boston, Massachusetts. In a rare opportunity, gender experts and development practitioners donned their student hats to deep-dive into the topic of Intersectionality, an area of academic thought and feminist theory that is evolving into an ever-growing body of development discourse. The event was co-sponsored by Oxfam America, Oxfam Novib, and Oxfam Intermon, in close partnership with the Center for Gender in Organizations at the Simmons School of Management.
Not just a learning space, the Symposium was also a conduit for the generation of knowledge. The centerpiece of discussions was a series of practice papers, authored by Oxfam staff and partners, which explore the issue of Gender and Intersectionality within the broader context of international development work. The intention is to share Oxfam’s experience in Gender and Intersectionality with a wide audience in hopes of fostering thoughtful debate and discussion.
Oxfam America extends special thanks to all staff and partners who participated in the Symposium and who shared their expertise through these practice papers.
The practice papers produced as part of the Gender and Intersectionality Symposium are available for download below.
Download Active Citizenship of Youth and Women in Nicaragua - Ruiz & Artal
Download Ciudadania Activa de Mujeres y Juventudes en Nicaragua - Ruiz & Artal
Download Building Gender-Sensitive Resilience - Guixe
Download Repoliticising Intersectionality - Enarsson
Download Women's Empowerment and Domestic Violence - Boris & Hughes
Download Your Struggle is my Struggle - Maseko & Ndlovu