Virtual Global Debt Strategy Meeting

Eurodad and co-organised the 2021 Global Debt Strategy meeting to discuss our forthcoming plans both in the short and in the long-term, our joint positions and expectations.

The virtual sessions took place on September 1st and 2nd, 2021.

Purpose of the Meeting

  • Establish a joint understanding on the current global and regional debt trends as well as reform discussions
  • Develop a joint position on our expectations as well as how to principally and strategically deal with the G20 Common Framework
  • Develop a position on concrete political steps to achieve short-term comprehensive debt cancellation while reinforcing the call for debt architecture reforms
  • Establish a basis for joint advocacy and campaigning efforts in the short- and medium-term
  • Offer room for exchange and networking

See the agenda here.

The notes from the meetings have been saved here.

Following this link, you can read the mapping exercise about positions and plans that were shared by different CSOs.

Recording day 1

Recording day 2

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