International Center for settlement of investment disputes

The ICSID Convention is a treaty ratified by 155 Contracting States. It entered into force on October 14, 1966, 30 days after ratification by the first 20 States.  Article 6 of the ICSID Convention requires the Administrative Council of ICSID to adopt rules of procedure for arbitration and conciliation and for the administrative and financial regulation of the Centre.

Official website:

The Convention:​
The English ICSID Convention, French Convention du CIRDI, and Spanish Convenio del CIADI are equally authentic versions of the text.

ICSID also makes the Convention available in other languages. While not official translations, these may be helpful to parties.

The records of the drafters of the ICSID Convention are compiled in the History of the ICSID Convention, vols. I-V.
Useful links: 

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