Joint Eurodad network letter on the Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD)

Dear colleagues, 

Today, Eurodad and 14 other civil society organisations and movements published a letter addressed to the convening nations of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD).

The letter is up on our website here:

Please tweet about it and share within your policy and advocacy circles.

Eurodad tweets:
My tweet:

Twitter hashtags for the PCD

#PCD12 #PetersbergClimateDialogue #PetersbergerKlimadialog

Twitter Handles of world leaders at the PCD

@GermanyDiplo ; @SvenjaSchulze68 ; @RegSprecher(Germany)
@Canada ; @JustinTrudeau ; @CanAmbClimate (Canada)
@JPN_PMO (Japan)
@EmmanuelMacron ; @gouvernementFR (France)
@ScottMorrisonMP (Australia)
@jacindaardern (NZ)
@POTUS; @ClimateEnvoy (US)
@GOVUK @AlokSharma_RDG @@BorisJohnson (UK)

CAN International has prepared a social media pack:

Please do share your own activities with us all, so that we can help amplify your messages! 

Best regards,


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