Jubilee Debt Campaign - Guide to understanding and accessing debt information
This guide aims to help civil society organisations, journalists and interested citizens find and understand information on government debt. Accessing information is vital to be able to hold governments and lenders to account on what loans are taken out, on what terms and how the money is used.
Download the toolkit here
Portugues and Spanish of Jubilee's ‘Guide to understanding and accessing debt information'
Dear all,
We are writing from Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos (ACEP), Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG) and Jubilee Debt Campaign – today we are launching translations of Jubilee's ‘Guide to understanding and accessing debt information’, now available in Portugues, Spanish, and also available in list French and Spanish.
The guide aims to help civil society organisations, journalists and interested citizens find and understand information on government debt. Accessing information is vital to be able to hold governments and lenders to account on what loans are taken out, on what terms and how the money is used.
The guide covers the following areas:
- Section 2 outlines key concepts which are useful for understanding debt information.
- Section 3 explains how to use the World Bank International Debt Statistics database.
- Section 4 explains how to use the IMF and World Bank Debt Sustainability Assessments.
- Section 5 covers the information available from publicly traded bonds, and bond prospectuses.
- Section 6 covers information available from bilateral lenders.
Please do share it with anyone else you think might find it useful.
You can download the different versions here:
Portuguese: https://mundocritico.org/2021/09/27/2004/
Thanks a lot,
Nicola Scherer · Investigació i gestió de projectes
Observatori del Deute en la Globalització ODG
@twitt_odg · www.odg.cat · Avís legal i protecció de dades
mòbil +34 722 533 507 · oficina +34 93 301 17 93