List of Tax Justice Listservs
Below listed are the listservs on tax justice that Eurodad can connect you with. Note that some are linked to Tax Justice Europe (a Global Alliance for Tax Justice branch), coordinated by Eurodad.
You can join the listservs simply by reaching out to topic point persons Tove Ryding or Olivia Lally via e-mail.
- Eurodad members are sharing information and intelligence on tax justice and development (tax havens, tax dodging, etc) via Eurodad_capital_flight listserv.
- Group listserv to coordinate work on Anti Money-Laundering Directive related Advocacy [AMLD advocacy: [email protected]]
- Newly established listserv to address tax in Covid-19 times [COVID-19 Tax:
[email protected]] - Group listserv to coordinate EU level work on public Country by Country Reporting [EU-CBCR: [email protected]]
Tax Justice Europe (TJ-E) listservs you might be also interested in:
- Group listserv to discuss TJ-E campaigning [TJ-E Campaign: [email protected]].
- [FfD & Tax: [email protected]]
- Global Alliance for Tax Justice's working group on Reform of the Global Tax Rules [Global Tax Rules: [email protected]]