March Global Debt Coordination Call
Dear friends,
We hope this message finds you well.
The next global debt coordination call will be next Tuesday, March 23rd, at 2 pm CET (8 a.m Lima, 9 am Washington, 1 pm London/Lisbon, 4 pm Nairobi / Addis, 9 pm Manila). It will be mainly focused on exchanging policy information and analysis on the next multilateral events. You can find the notes from our last meeting in February here.
Please, note that next week the UN-CSO meeting (previous to the High Level meeting on "Debt Architecture and Liquidity" convened by UN SG) is confirmed on the same day, Tuesday 23rd at 3.30 pm CET (information on this will be sent today). Therefore, our call will start at 2pm CET and end at 3pm CET sharp.
You can find here an initial proposal for the Agenda of the March meeting.
Suggestions are welcomed please before Monday morning (9am CET). I'll share the final agenda on Monday. Click here to add the event to your Google Calendar and find below the call-in details.
Finally, a save the date for your agendas for the next UN events on debt architecture and liquidity:
- 23 March 2021, UN-Civil Society Meeting (10.30-12.00 EDT / 3.30-5.00 pm CET).
- 29 March 2021, HLE on Debt and Liquidity promoted by UN SG (10.00-12.30 EDT / 3.00-5.30 pm CET).
Dial-in details
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Meeting ID: 842 0662 9310
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Meeting ID: 842 0662 9310
Meeting ID: 842 0662 9310
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 842 0662 9310
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Best regards,