While the cost of living is rising globally and companies like Shell and BP are still making massive amounts of profits, the broad implementation of a permanent excess profit tax is urgently needed. This internal briefing displays fossil fuel companies excess profits in 2022 and how countries react in their attempts to tax those profits. It also includes some general reflections on historic examples and a review of various (CSO) positions on the topic of Excess/Windfall Profit Taxes (EPT/WPT).
Markus Trilling
Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Progressive Green Taxation
Markus joined Eurodad in March 2023 as Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, working on the tax justice team. He carries out research and analysis on progressive green taxation. He has a decade-long history of campaigning in Brussels with environmental NGO networks on EU fiscal policies. He got advanced degrees in economic, social and political sciences after spending his academic years in Western, Southern and Eastern Europe. Markus speaks German, English, Bulgarian, Spanish and French.