May Global Debt Coordination call (postponed to 1st June)

01 June 2021
June 01, 2021 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Dear friends,
We hope this message finds you well. 
The next global debt coordination call will be tomorrow, Tuesday, June 1st, at 2 pm CEST (7 am Lima, 8 am Washington, 1 pm London/Lisbon, 3 pm Nairobi / Addis, 8 pm Manila). 
It will be mainly focused on exchanging policy information, calendar organisation and analysis. You can find the notes from our last meeting in April here
Proposed agenda
  1. Calendar
    • Participation in the monthly calls & face to face strategy meeting
    • Calendar for campaigning and advocacy
  2. Information sharing on policy developments, advocacy and campaigns:
    • Plan for G7 meetings
    • Action on Private Creditors and Transparency
    • Campaign on Debt & Vaccines
    • Mobilisation and Advocacy plans on Climate and Debt
    • Mobilisation and Advocacy plans on Common Framework
    • Calendar for mobilisation and Advocacy on debt - September to November, from the UNGA to Anniversary of Common Framework and Zambia default
    • Other plans for the next 6 months?
  3. AOB
    • Debt swaps discussion paper - questionnaire 
Click here to add the event to your Google Calendar and find below the call's dial-in details. 
Dial-in details
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 0662 9310
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,84206629310# US (New York)
+16699006833,,84206629310# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 842 0662 9310
Find your local number: 
Best regards,

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