Dear friend,
Welcome to the December edition of our Eurodad members’ newsletter.
We are pleased to announce that our new 5-year strategy was formally approved by Eurodad’s membership at the extraordinary General Assembly meeting that was held virtually on 16 December 2020. The strategy was written after an extensive process, starting with the evaluation of Eurodad’s 2015-2019 strategy followed by written inputs and a workshop for the new strategy. We have also reflected on the impacts that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on our priorities, starting at Eurodad’s virtual Policy Forum in June. The strategy will start in January 2021 and will run until 2025.
The Secretariat is now developing a Strategy Implementation Plan that supports the network in realising the high ambition of the new strategy efficiently, while maintaining a smoothly functioning secretariat made up of happy and healthy staff, and being accountable to all our stakeholders - including you, our members. The Implementation Plan will be shared with our members and statutory allies by early February 2021. Workplans for 2021 in each of our priority areas and for our cross-cutting priority on Gender Justice and Women’s and Gender Minorities’ Rights are currently being finalised and will be shared with you in January.
Warm regards,
Jean Saldanha,
Eurodad Director