Members Newsletter - December 2021

european network on debt and development
20 December 2021

Members Newsletter - December 2021



Dear Cecilia,

Welcome to the final Eurodad members’ newsletter of the year.

We are pleased to share with you the 2022 workplans for each of our areas of work: tax justice, debt justice, and development finance. After consultations and discussion with our members, allies, partners in the global south and across our network, the plans were approved by our Board at its annual retreat with Eurodad staff.

Last month, Eurodad held its Policy Forum in a virtual format once again. The series of webinars featured a range of guest speakers and contributors. It was a valuable moment to discuss the state of play at the end of a challenging year. The recordings of the sessions can be found in the links below.

As it is now two and a half years since our last in person network-wide event, we are making preparations for our conference in June 2022. More information on this will follow in the new year.

Here in Brussels, the secretariat celebrated the end of the year with a mix of virtual and in person social events, reflecting the continued challenging circumstances of the pandemic.

We wish you a restful break, and we will be with you in the New Year to continue the fight for economic justice in 2022.

Best regards,

Jean Saldanha




Eurodad Policy Forum 2021

Eurodad held a successful virtual Policy Forum at the end of November. If you missed some of the sessions, they are now all available to watch again. You can find the public sessions on our YouTube channel and the sessions for members and allies on the Knowledge Management Platform.

The Covid-19 crisis: Portal or dead end?

Watch the session in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

How do development finance, debt justice, climate justice and tax justice relate to each other? 

Watch the session here.

Global debt crises – what role for the CEE/CIS region?

Watch the session here

Overcoming the policy lending doctrine

Watch the session here in English, French and Spanish.

The future of aid in the post Covid-19 context - challenges and opportunities

Watch the session in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

Addressing the challenges of a climate- and gender-just equitable world

Watch the session here.

Introduction to Eurodad Knowledge Management Platform. 

Watch the training session here

2022 Workplans

Eurodad's plans for the year ahead are now available for members to view at the links below. If you have questions, comments or feedback, please get in touch with our Policy and Advocacy Managers.

Read the Tax Justice workplan here. Contact Tove Maria Ryding here.

Read the Debt Justice workplan here. Contact Iolanda Fresnillo here

Read the Development Finance workplan here. Contact María José Romero here.

Members' update on development finance

In this update, the Development Finance team provides key highlights on the issues covered by the team. This update includes recent policy developments, movement-building initiatives and relevant written outputs produced by Eurodad, its members and its partners. If you have any questions about this update, please contact Hamdi Benslama, Policy Assistant.

Read the update here

Members’ update on debt justice

The latest members update from the Debt Justice team is focused on recent events, including UNCTAD XV, the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, the G20 summit and COP26. You will also find more information on the debt and climate campaign, the Global Days of Action for Justice and Debt Cancellation, selected country and regional updates and, finally, a summary of the latest resources available. If you have any questions about this update, please contact Ilaria Crotti, Policy Assistant.

Read the update here            

News from the secretariat

Emy De Nardi - Communications Officer

Emy joined Eurodad in October 2021 as Communications Officer. Specialised in digital and social media communications, they have a background in documentary filmmaking and content production.

Prior to joining Eurodad, they worked at the EU lobby organisations for animal welfare and solar energy. A native Italian speaker, they speak English, French and some Spanish.


Lena Hoffmeister - Communications Assistant

Lena joined Eurodad in December 2021 as Communications Assistant. Before joining Eurodad, she worked at one of the EU Commission agencies. Previously, she studied and worked in Turkey and Jordan, focusing on refugee rights and education. 

Lena holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and a Master’s Degree in European and International Studies. In addition to her mother tongue German, she speaks fluent English, intermediate Turkish and Arabic, and is currently learning French.

Eurodad organogram





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