Dear friend,
Welcome to our new Eurodad members’ newsletter! Firstly, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. Amidst the ongoing uncertainty of Covid-19, I want to take this opportunity to focus on the positives here at Eurodad.
This is a critical moment for the development sector and it has required us to respond swiftly and strategically. Firstly, the debt movement has mobilised quickly to advocate for a just and permanent response to sovereign debt crises. We have also worked together with you - our partners and allies - to highlight how years of austerity, structural adjustment and donor conditionality have impacted on the ability of countries to respond to the multiple crises triggered by the pandemic.
We re-emphasised the importance of tax justice, of development effectiveness and of abandoning the Wall Street Consensus on the central place of private finance in development in the recovery effort. We continued to work hard over the summer period by releasing our shadow report on the Limitations of the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative: Draining out the Titanic with a bucket? Our debt team organised an excellent series of webinars with very positive feedback. Our work on climate finance has also picked up with the appointment of our new Senior Policy & Advocacy Officer - Climate Finance, Leia Achampong, who outlined what the EIB’s Climate Bank Roadmap should do to fulfil the commitment to international climate finance.
Following the summer, we return in September with the Covid-19 measures still very much in place. Thankfully, we have been able to bring some of our staff members back to the office with a limit of seven people at a time, while the rest continue to work from home. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about how we are dealing with the current situation, and the measures we have in place to respect the health and safety of the team.
Like many, we will continue to collaborate with you and the rest of our partners and allies largely virtually. September has been a busy month thanks to the Finance Ministers’ and Heads of States’ meetings. The IMF and World Bank Annual meetings are set to take place between 12 - 17 October and Eurodad will co-organise and participate in a number of events at the Civil Society Policy Forum, and those organised by the Bank and Fund. Eurodad is also participating in the virtual C20 that will take place at the same time. You can find all details on our new website!
We will send you this newsletter every trimester to keep you updated on internal developments such as the outcomes of our General Assembly, our strategy development and implementation process, news from the Eurodad team and important events coming up. We welcome any feedback.
Warm regards,
Jean Saldanha,
Eurodad Director