Norway - a driving force of global tax reform?
May 07, 2021 at 9:00am - 10am
FACTI-webinar: Norway - a driving force of global tax reform?
The UN High Level Panel "FACTI" recently put forward 14 proposals for global reforms to halt capital flight and tax evasion. The ambitious proposals could have been branded as unrealistic last year, but this year major breakthroughs in the global tax arena have set the tone: the EU announced a revolution of transparency for companies when they voted for public country-by-country reporting, and the US fully supports global minimum tax for companies. Both in line with the FACTI report. FACTI arose after strong support from the Norwegian government, but whether the proposals will be guidelines for the future will depend on continued political support. How will Norway contribute to a turning point in global tax co-operation and to stop tax havens?
09:00 - 09:03 Velkommen
Moderator Sigrid Klæboe Jacobsen, TaxCapDev-nettverket & daglig leder/executive director Tax Justice Network – Norge
09:03 – 09:13 FACTI-rapporten
Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer, konsernsjef/CEO Sparebank 1 SR-Bank & FACTI-panel
09:13 – 09:18 Kommentar
Kristine Sævold, skriver doktorgrad om skatteparadisenes historie ved UiB/phd-student on history of tax havens
09:18 – 9:23 Norge som initiativtaker til FACTI & prosessen videre/Norway as initiator of FACTI and future process
Daniel Gimenez, seniorrådgiver Utenriksdepartementet/Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
9:23 – 10:00 Debatt Stortingsrepresentanter/MPs:
Marianne Martinsen, Arbeiderpartiet/The Norwegian Labour Party
Tore Storehaug, KrF/The Christian Democratic Party
Kari Elisabeth Kaski, SV/The Socialist Left Party
Elin Rodum Agdestein, Høyre/The Conservative Party
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