NOTES + AP: September Eurodad climate finance WG call + Next call on 20/10 at 11:00 CEST.

Dear colleagues,


Thanks to everyone who joined today's call, and to Ilaria for taking notes! Our next working group call will be on October 20th at 11:00 CEST. Below are  the main outcomes from the call.


Full notes: 

PPT used for call: 


Action points

  • Eurodad to develop messages on debt and climate for members to use ahead of COP26 for both advocacy and campaigning/ awareness raising purposes
  • Eurodad to discuss its capacity on developing a workshop/ webinar on the effects of reporting on grant equivalent ODA and climate finance on debt levels
  • Eurodad to discuss its capacity to develop a briefing on how to ensure that each community (debt and climate) doesn’t undermine the other’s messages e.g. debt relief and/or cancellation PLUS additional climate finance, instead of ONLY calling for debt and/or cancellation


Discussion outcomes:

  • Discussion on solidarity with red list COP26 participants: Large organisations publicly supported the CAN statement. Consensus from all that we should amplify the messages of our counterparts in the global south instead of prioritising our own national campaigns. Our delegations to COP26 will largely be made up of global south CSOs
  • Discussion on how we can use the climate and debt campaign for climate purposes ahead of COP26?: Some of us will focus on advocacy and target national governments and international spaces, and some of us will focus on campaigning and awareness raising amongst CSOs. Both of these groups would appreciate a coherent set of messages to use. No plans to engage in technical opportunities relevant for COP26 e.g. standing committee on finance, however, there’s appetite to understand the OECD DAC and UNFCCC parallels and opportunities to engage on debt issues e.g. reporting and transparency frameworks, grant equivalent structures etc


Resources shared on the call


Key dates in September:

  • 14-21/09: UNGA - United Nations General Assembly
  • 22/09: Youth Climate Strike 
  • 23/09: Loss & Damage awareness day (L&D)
  • 24/09: SDG7 high-level event (HLE) during UNGA
  • 30/09 - 2/10: Pre-COP and Youth4Climate summit
  • Full Eurodad calendar 


Statements on COP26 postponement

Please feel free to share any further reflections on today's discussions on the email list.


Best regards,



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