Notes: March Eurodad Climate Finance call

Dear colleagues,


Thanks to everyone who joined today's call, including a Very warm welcome to those who joined for the first time! We look forward to welcoming more people on our next call, which will be on April 13th at 12:00 CET. An agenda will be shared closer to the date.


A Huge Thank you to Jerome for taking notes! The notes are here: If you joined the call, please add your name to the notes. 

Action points

  • JDC and Eurodad to discuss UK parliamentary questions, Jerome to check the timetable
  • All to flag with Petra at Recourse government contacts relevant to ADB
  • Eurodad to develop a 2-4 page Climate & Development ministerial briefing
  • Request from Rebecca (CNCD) to share on the Eurodad climate finance email list if there’s any national level work on the ministerial
  • Bonds & Clauses discussion paper to be explored/ developed later on in the year e.g. Summer - Edad+ AA & JDC UK

Resources shared during the call:


Best regards,






Leia Achampong
Senior Policy & Advocacy Officer - Climate Finance 
email: [email protected]
phone: + 32 (0) 2 894 46 40 
Eurodad, Rue d’Edimbourg, 18-26 1050 Brussels | Belgium 

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